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  • There's more to this than meets the eye.
    If the green light on the receiver is lit it means either the transmitter has called for heat OR you've found the receiver with its Red light on (no contact from transmitter for x minutes) and pressed the Override button.
    Either way, with the Green light on, the boiler should be 'active', if not firing.
    Hi Croydoncorgi
    Thanks for your very prompt reply. Just this morning the stat read 19, the flame symbol was showing and the green light on the receiver was on constant but the bolier was not on. So we did the battery solution and the boiler came on. Due to your comment on the battery holder I did contact Drayton on their technical line. I was told due to problems with the battery draw, as they called it, they had made modifications to later units. So Drayton are sending me to new battery draws and fitting instructions, so hopefully I can follow the instructions and solve the problem. If I see any more posts relating to Digistat problems I can let them know about the new battery draws that are available. Thanks again for your help and I will let you know how we get on.
    Hi Croydoncorgi
    Thanks for your very prompt reply. Just this morning the stat read 19, the flame symbol was showing and the green light on the receiver was on constant but the bolier was not on. So we did the battery solution and the boiler came on. Due to your comment on the battery holder I did contact Drayton on their technical line. I was told due to problems with the battery draw, as they called it, they had made modifications to later units. So Drayton are sending me to new battery draws and fitting instructions, so hopefully I can follow the instructions and solve the problem. If I see any more posts relating to Digistat problems I can let them know about the new battery draws that are available. Thanks again for your help and I will let you know how we get on.

    The key to problems with RF Digistats is the red LED on the Receiver (the box wired to the boiler). It should flash every few minutes, indicating that a transmission has been received from the transmitter. If it's solid -on, it indicates that contact has been lost and nothing received from the transmitter. If it goes red and then after a while goes off again and/or flashes, it indicates lost transmission(s). From your description there should be no problem with transmission quality - that's not a long distance for this frequency, power combination. If you do see the red LED coming on and / or staying on for long periods, try changing the batteries. The other issue is the build-quality of the battery holders - on the mark 1 version of the digistat, they're not good and often poor contact and intermittent failure results.
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