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  • Cheers David, will certainly mention your name and I think the price you had was alright too
    I will let you know ow I get on.
    thx again
    Hi Fraser

    I have no idea on the hourly charge but I paid £270 for 4 hours between the 2 of them. I can see my water pressure is almost 3 bar and my pipes are nice and tidy and I'm happy.

    Based on that I would guess that £60-£70 per hour but they can check out the problem and quote you for the job. There was no call out charge so you haven't got much to lose.

    If you give him a call mention my name as I said you might be calling and are based in the area.


    That does sound encouraging indeed. Do you know what his hourly charge is ?
    I'll give him a call and see what he can do
    many thanks indeed
    Hi Fraser

    The plumbers have been and gone (4 hours). Bang on time, clean & professional which makes a change from a typical tutting plumber.

    He installed an expansion vessel (which apparently comes supplied in newer megaflos and similar systems) and a pressure gauge. He also redid some of the pipes and balanced out the cold water feed for upstairs which now means no clunking and no big loss of pressure whenever you flush or run a tap! The downstairs pipework still needs to be redone but can only happen once I rip out my kitchen.

    I'd give him a call and see what he can do for you. I've been trying to sort this out for 2 years and finally some progress! His name is Arnold and the number is +447795433494.

    Let me know how it goes!


    Thx for reponding, my fear is the mains pressure is not right or that there is something blocking the mains pressure into the house. I also have a water meter charged at 12mm and wonder if this is restricting the mains flow into the house as the megaflow needs more.
    My other issue is the house was replumbed back in August and I didn't follow up with the plumber immediately which is my fault as the problem was there from day 1 post the re-plumming.

    I await your feedback and hope you are told something that makes sense that does not cost too much. I'd expect the first checks to be made are the mains flow. If thats low then those issues need to be fixed first.

    Fraser ([email protected])
    Hi Fraser

    By coincidence I had a plumber come to my house yesterday to try and shed some more light on the situation. He didn't measure the flow rate or pressure but believed he could fix the problem by using an expansion vessel (as opposed to an accumulator) and tidying up the pipework. At some point in the future I will have to change the pipes that lead up to the megaflo as they are a mess which should further improve the situation.

    The plumber is due to come back next week and if it works well could pass on his details to you.


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