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  • Hello Ian - late reply because message alert didn`t come up . to send messages you`ll need to accept the friend invite i sent . The spraying - I`ve only got the gun and a small compressor - BUT I have access to a guy that used to make/spray kitchens - I can pick his brains . And I need to spray our kitchen @ home . Will keep an eye open for message from you . I`m just up the road in Hailsham . Cheers, Nige.
    I think you're right about the ego thing. I've at least owned up to having taken a few bits of skin off fingers and that's having been in the game longer than I care to remember! Personally I'd take a circular saw and batten to it then clean-up with a block plane, but another "expert amateur" elsewhere decided that I'm an incompetent bodge merchant (or in effect that) for saying so. Obviously I've yet to learn how to doff my cap the right way ;-)
    ok m8,thought it might be my neck of the woods.hence the teacher/france line lol.
    good luck to your child im sure with hard work they will get the results they deserve.
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