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  • Ha ha, no there a whole website behind that balding head. This is why I've just revamped my website (uploading soon!). That first page kinda confuses some people. There are buttons down the side of his head and they take you the gallery etc. They are a little too subtle if you are not adventurous with your mouse and don't run your curser over them.

    We tend to visit Offa's Dyke by Longtown and go up the Cat's Back. Bit of a tough hike at first (for me anyway ha ha) but it's a wonderful walk from then on.
    Hi Mike, sorry to hear about your radiators. I suppose it makes a difference who you buy off. My radiators don't have paint and seem to be holding up fine and really pump out the heat. Fingers crossed I didn't buy cheap goods (even if they were cheap!) only time will tell, eh? Thanks for mentioning my paintings. Did you go to my website?

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