double glazing beading

  1. P

    Window Beading Removal

    I have old tilt and turn windows which I'm looking to replace some blown units and renew some of the gaskets on. Just wanted to check that I'm not being a dumbass, external gasket seems to be attached to profile, I can move the internal bead slightly with a decorators knife, do I need to just be...
  2. S

    Are my window gaskets replaceable?

    Hello, I have 3 windows and 1 patio door that I believe date from pre-2011 (see photo 1). All of the gaskets are black and quite worn and I'd like to replace them with new white gaskets. The internal gaskets on the windows are all wedge gaskets that can be removed fairly easily. I thought the...
  3. L

    Help please. Can’t remove unusual double glazing bead.

    We are trying to replace window units. The bay is different from others and we can’t remove the beading. Have tried palette knife, chisel. Hammering all is failing to budge it. Never seen beading like this before. Can anyone help please. As you can see if we carry on we’re going to damage it...