
  1. B

    New build garages , overhanging drain pipes

    Why do new build developers build garage walls right on the property boundary line so that the gutter and drain pipes over hang onto the neighbours property? Assume they’re all compliant with building regs but does it not cause issues if any maintenance needs doing to the wall, gutter or drains...
  2. E

    Drain question and Build Over Agreement?

    Hi all - appreciate any thoughts on this please: Attached is the current layout of my property. The Orange line is where the back of my house was originally built to. The previous owner added the conservatory, utility and bathroom to the back (over 15 years ago). The blue square is where...
  3. J

    Bridging over private drain in corner of foundations

    Hello. So currently I am excavating the foundations for a cavity wall garden office. Unfortunately my drain pipe runs at an awkward angle at the corner of where my foundations would be. My initial thought was to excavate the foundations deeper and pour the concrete below the pipe, and then...
  4. A

    Ensuite plumbing

    Hi all Our house currently has one bathroom, with the soil pipe directly next to it. We are hoping to create a small ensuite in the largest bedroom (toilet, shower, sink). The challenge is that this is on the opposite side of the house to where the existing soil pipe is. I'm not sure whether...
  5. Amedeux

    Leak *into* drain?

    Hi, I own a terraced house (ca 1920) in North West London. I recently ran an inspection (the pipe was clogged) of the drain running under the house from the street to the back. It turns out that there is water ingress. Water is actually leaking into the drain pipe from the surrounding ground...
  6. A

    Damp / wet concrete floor

    I have a utility room with a concrete floor. When it rains I've noticed the floor gets wet. Right outside this room are two drains - one is for the kitchen sink and boiler/washing machine waste trap and the other is for the guttering drain pipe from the utility room. There is also another hole...
  7. L

    Hole in concrete floor below kitchen sink unit?

    Hi all I've been trying to find the source of a cold draft in my kitchen after taking off the plinth below my sink I have found a hole in the concrete floor (where the cold air is coming from), and it has a pipe going into it. I have a few questions... 1. Does anyone know what this pipe is? I...
  8. C

    Traymate Shower Tray Drain Leak

    Hi, I have a a Traymate shower tray installed in my bathroom which seems to have started leaking. It has been installed for just under 5 years now but I have noticed a brown line on the ceiling underneath in my garage which would appear to be directly under the horizontal shower tray drain exit...
  9. T

    Drain survey results query - money grab?

    I recently had a drain survey done as a soak away pipe at the front of the house is visibly broken and requires repair. As the house was built in the 60s I thought it may be beneficial to check out the whole system. There are no other obvious problems. The men who came to do the drain survey...
  10. D

    Outside Bottle Gully Question

    Hi all, Wanted some advice on an outside bottle gully that I currently have. At the moment it has 3 appliance waste pipes going into the top of it and a redundant waste pipe on the side (which I want to use for a ACO driveway drain). The outlet feeds direct to the main drain (confirmed by...
  11. R

    Filled-in gully just below DPC?

    Hi everyone, just looking for a second opinion on our filled-in gully! We recently found a broken drain below the gully outside the kitchen of our 1910 house (which the sink and washing machine drain into, so this had just been pouring into the ground for who knows how long!). We have just had...
  12. I

    Cracked concrete yard / drain gutters - damp seeping through

    Hi In my back yard, the concrete is heavily cracked and it slopes towards the house - in particular it seems that around the drains etc there is enough damage to get thorugh to the void space & who knows where else - which I think is getting damp (need to confirm) Internally, I know there is...
  13. J

    Drainage plan for extension

    Hi, I'm trying to self plan a rear extension to our semi-detached house, and hoping someone could give some feedback on my drainage plan. Currently the rain water pipe (RWP), and soil vent pipe (SVP) connect to a manhole at the rear of the property. This is a private drain, that then runs into...
  14. Jay2023

    Man hole will not open

    Hi, Trying to open this stubborn man hole, but unable to open with screwdriver etc. Will these key s from Amazonfit, if anyone knows? https://amzn.eu/d/7RiStLv Thank you
  15. J

    Use unmarked drain for extension

    Hello, Hoping someone might be able to help with our drain connection idea. We currently have a private drain that passes behind our house over to our neighbours garden that is marked on the Thames Water plans. From our neighbours garden it then goes into the main sewer. We'd like to do a rear...
  16. T

    Installed new toilet, but it has a constant trickle into the bowl

    The question says it all really. I have just put in a new toilet. Everything seems fine, but it does have a constant trickle into the bowl. It's hardly noticible... but I noticed and now can't unsee it. Is there a simple fix for this? Is it something to do with the float? Everything is brand new.
  17. O

    neighbours moved gutter downpipe without permission

    Hi all, My dad lives in a semi-detached house with the shared down pipe being on his neighbours property. The neighbours did a loft extension and remodelling of their house and during this time they have drilled into my dads property and moved the down pipe to his side without asking...
  18. B

    rear extension - move drains + build over agreement

    hi all, I need some advice on what options I have here. attaching picture for clarity. long story short, I have 2 square manholes in my rear garden. * one is around 1.4m from the rear wall (M1), the second one is around 4.15m from the rear wall (M2), as per image. * M1 collects my...
  19. S

    Opening in path

    There is an opening in the concrete pathway next to the front door. See photos. I dug it out. I was expecting to find an old drain or pipework. However, there was no drains or pipes, just soil and at the bottom what appears to be sandstone Do anyone know what this was made for.
  20. AdFromEssex

    How do I remove and replace this manhole cover?

    Hello all, I’ve had a good search but can’t seem to find an answer (apologies if this is infact a duplicate thread). Can anyone advise the best way of removing this inset (I think that’s what they’re called) manhole cover? The four screws are out but I don’t want to damage the screw holes by...