I've been asked to fit a remote humidistat where there is already an inline fan with timer in place.
I have wired it as per the instructions on the supply side (i.e. L, SL and N). The output is a N and L to the fan. So, as the fan itself requires a permanent and switched live I have connect the...
I bought two VASF100T timer extractor fans to replace the existing fans in 2 bathrooms. It says the fans need 3 amp fuses to protect them. My current setup has an isolator switch for the the fan and 6 amp fuse for the downstairs lighting in the house's mains fuse box (MCB). I guess the options...
I have a bathroom extractor fan connected a long run of ducting and it's not doing the trick.
Can anyone see it causing a problem if I split the ducting and added an inline extractor - or a duct extractor booster - to give it enough oomph?
Not sure if there's going to issues with...
Hello all,
I have a Silavent May 202 fan in my bathroom. It was there when I bought the house 3 years ago. The house was built in 1985. Not sure how long its been in there. Its stopped working when you switch the light on. I know that Silavent have discontinued this model and I cant find a...
Hello all, new to the forum and looking for advice on installation of new bathroom extractor fan if anyone can help.
I have replaced a very old manrose extractor fan with a new manrose 100mm mixed flow in line duct fan located in the loft. Problem is in the wiring connections, the old fan had...
We have a bathroom ceiling fan which is constantly running, lights on or off. There is a switch which increases the speed outside the bathroom door. Lately the fan has become extremely loud and we are not sure what it is or what to do with it.