
  1. B

    Bought a Moes GA instead of GC by mistake. Will it still work?

    Hi, I accidentally bought a Moes Water heating thermostat (GA) instead of a gas boiler thermostat (GC). However, it looks like I could use it for the same purpose according to this diagram: My present thermostat only controls room temperature via a siemens rde thermostat (see attachments)...
  2. V

    Connecting BHT-002 Moes thermostat to water/gas boiler

    Hi, I need to connect BHT-002 smart thermostat to water/gas boiler. Unfortunately old thermostat was removed by previous owners and I have nothing to compare to. In the attached pictures of wires and Moes thermostat that I would like to install. could you please assist which cable should go...