purlin prop

  1. T

    Supporting loft purlins with struts...angle issues

    Hello All - have been scratching head on this one. Need to get strut supports to sit on load bearing wall (where central props currently are just off-centre). To angle them so one end sits bird-beaked to purlin and other end sits on central load bearing wall seems too acute an angle to offer any...
  2. S

    possible purlin support removal??

    hi everyone, I have recently started to create a loft space in my semi detached bungalow, I have researched building regulations regarding floors to which I am following, however I have two 3x2 supports underneath a purlin on the hipped side of my roof which are sat on a supporting wall...
  3. S

    Purlin supports

    Hello, How do I fix struts to support purlins onto a supporting wall that runs parallel almost mid way between the two. I have studied lot of photos and diagrams but none have a similar angle to mine. Most purlins it appears are angled at 90 degrees to the rafters and the struts are attached at...
  4. A

    Crumbling support under purlin prop

    Hi, I have a purlin prop resting on a brick wall. Upon closer inspection the mortar joints on this brick wall is crumbling away - if you dig you nails in it starts to break away. The bricks arn't in great condition either. What would be the best way to fix this wall. I understand it could be...