roofing box profile

  1. D

    Confirmation before purchasing materials for decking/pergola roof

    I'm about to buy the materials for my decking roof, but just wanted to get a quick sanity check please, before doing so. I'll be buying box profile 32/1000 sheets and some purlins to support them. My decking roof comprises 2x4 rafters of length 4450mm spanning a roof of 7210mm at 525mm centres...
  2. G

    Box profile sheeting vapour barrier

    Hi, Has anybody done a steel portal framed shed with timber purlins/sheeting rails and clad the outside with 40mm or so of PIR insulation then just fixed single skin steel sheets right onto the PIR with longer fixings? No extra plywood/OSB, battens or breathable membrane? Planwell seem to...
  3. G

    Extra Fascia support on roof corner

    Fascia/soffit rotted away on a roof corner and collapsed ..... the fascia was fixed on 1 rafter tail only. the working space is only 230m wide/height to fix an extra support (a 2/4 with a 240mm torx) - "FIX 2" in the image.. impossible to drill into that space without removing any tiles or...
  4. T


    Hi guys. How do I finish off a box profile verge when I don't have a crown(high bit) to land it on. Cheers.