64w panel PSU upgrade?

8 Mar 2024
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United Kingdom

Default PSU in 64w is 1.5A.

Can this be removed and replaced with Texecom 2.5A PSU and I assume you'd have to put a larger fuse in?

Asking because the system I have in mind will be close to 1.5A draw when in alarm conditions (if not slightly over with 2nd bellbox?).
You can but wont do you any good in doing so.

what are you trying to run off the panel.

The correct way would be to have a PSU200/ 200XP and split the load.

Is that in alarm load? or normal running mode?
Yes, I've used the en calculator.

I'd like to run the following (house + garage)

1. 64w panel (existing)
2. 2 wired LCDLP keypads (1 house existing, 1 proposed garage)
3. 1 smartcom (proposed)
4. 1 wired Risco Nova 2 external sounder (existing on house)
5. 1 wired Texecom Odyssey X-BE (proposed for garage)
6. 1 wired Risco PIR (existing)
7. 5 wireless micro door contacts (3 existing house, 2 proposed for garage)
8. 1 D20 wired dual-tec Capture (proposed for garage)
9. 1 internal sounder for garage (proposed)
10. 2 x Texecom smartkeys (proposed)

Idea being to have house Area A and Garage Area B (garage would be 2 micro contacts, wired keypad, internal sounder and D20 dual tec.

I've got 1 x 12 core cable going from house panel to garage.
List the products you are using.

You can use 1A inline fuse on the dc communicator power to provide power for the second bell potentially.

What is the internal sounder or speaker?
the sound bomb for example comes 2 versions mainly 2 or 4, think you mentioned the sound bomb and this from memory trigger for the bell trigger and can give feedback and may need a diode to stop it, been a long time since I last used one.

wireless sensors use no panel power.
List the products you are using.

You can use 1A inline fuse on the dc communicator power to provide power for the second bell potentially.

What is the internal sounder or speaker?
the sound bomb for example comes 2 versions mainly 2 or 4, think you mentioned the sound bomb and this from memory trigger for the bell trigger and can give feedback and may need a diode to stop it, been a long time since I last used one.

wireless sensors use no panel power.
Yes, wireless sensors battery power - no panel draw.

Internal sounder will be Texecom 2 wire £3.99 jobby (not great but better than nothing and cheap). Think this draws 200mA when in alarm.

I'm hoping that if I put at least 1 of the external Sounders in scb mode I might just scrape under the 1.5A without having to buy and fit an external additional PSU.

Why the hell don't Texecom put beefier PSU's in their panels to power more devices??
Okay so the power for the speaker will come off the network as will the garage hard wired gear, the house keypad will also come off the network.

You have 900mA fuse for the bell terminals in the alarm panel.

The XBE draws 18mA idle plus 40mA for the back light plus 285mA for the sounder in alarm plus 100mA for the strobe.

The Nova depends on how many piezos it has but similar, so inline fuse as mentioned above should resolve that issue.
Okay so the power for the speaker will come off the network as will the garage hard wired gear, the house keypad will also come off the network.

You have 900mA fuse for the bell terminals in the alarm panel.

The XBE draws 18mA idle plus 40mA for the back light plus 285mA for the sounder in alarm plus 100mA for the strobe.

The Nova depends on how many piezos it has but similar, so inline fuse as mentioned above should resolve that issue.
1 piezo in the Nova 2
Not quite sure what you mean above about "DC communicator power" ??

Do you mean an additional psu200 to support the main panel?

I'd rather not if I can avoid it.

Maybe I need the garage bellbox to be wireless instead of wired. That should make a difference.
On the alarm panel dc+ dc- and digital outputs, put in line fuse on dc+
Ahh, so you're saying wire the 12v+ wire from 1 external sounder to a digicom terminal (dc+), but put a 1A in-line fuse (does it need to be slow blow?) in it.

I assume the other 4 wires from bellbox go to the normal panel terminals (0V, bell-trigger, strobe and tamper).

Or have I got it completely wrong?


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