Who's the guy in the pic? someone to do with football? no of course it's not it's Kevin Keegan.
What a time to decide to retire 23:15 can't retire at a decent time like others do say before 5pm no! Has to make me stay on at work! thanks Mr Considerate.
if i understnd you correctly, you want to add a picture from YOUR website into a post? in that case do as you have done, bu you need the url for your websites picture.
Your pictures are in a folder (on your PC and on the server that's hosting your site) called images.
The image 'link' you put in your post is "http://yourwebsitename.co.uk/images/imagename.jpg" or gif or etc.
( img]http://cdn.digitalcity.com/ukchannel/4231636b-0009c-0372a-400cb8e1[/img )
Right click the picture above and view 'properties' should see the address as bracketed above ... Just like that .... but use square brackets throughout - valid picture on valid website ...