Advice on router bits for window boards

6 Jun 2002
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United Kingdom
I am forced to replace window boards around the house, and am looking for what is known stateside as a bullnose half radius router cutter. This would allow me to profile a wide radius onto the edges of my new boards.

Can anyone advise what I should be looking for to do this, as all of the rounding over cutters I can find on UK sites are too tight a radius, and I really don't want a semicircle effect, and I'd prefer to only make one pass over the workpiece.

Any assistance would be appreciated.
Not too sure, about 45mm would look about right I think.
you can find almost any router bit you want in most hardware stores.There are millions.
Thanks aussie1,

I looked at millions, and then looked in catalogues at even more.
It seems in the UK what I'm trying to do is either not done, or is done some other way I don't know about.
Eventually ordered one from the US.
It was still a reasonable price, but took three weeks to arrive.
Trend do a 38.1mm radius rounding over cutter item No 46/99 which is a large beading bit but should be used in a router table to produce a bull nose.