Anti cycle time and temperature not working WB Greenstar

3 Mar 2021
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United Kingdom
I monitor my gas usage in real time and notice that, once the house has fully warmed and the solid inner wall skin has absorbed the heat, the boiler starts to cycle more rapidly. see graph.

It seems to cycle every 10 minutes off to off again.

I have 4 separate demands underfloor, hot water, upstairs and downstairs zones which are uncoordinated demands and I therefore conclude there could be a number of demands every few minutes depending on which zones were active and calling for heat, so I need to restrict boiler cycling.

I changed the anti-cycle setting from the standard 3 minutes to 15 minutes with little effect – cycling continued every 10 minutes.

I then turned my attention to the Anti-Cycle Flow Temperature Differential setting (usually 10c) surmising that if the differential was exceeded the ant-cycle time would be overridden and the boiler would start.

I changed the ACFTD to 30c expecting this to fix things as a drop of 30c would be unlikely to occur in the 15 minute cycle time and even if it did it would at least extend the cycle time.

I find that this too has made no difference.

Is there a problem with this boiler or am I misreading the anticipated behavior of these revised settings.


Thanks for interest
Greenstar CDi Classic Regular erp 30kw

Delta:- max flow temp 65c room temp 21c return temp varies depending on which circuits are calling for heat. Hope this is what you asked for.