For my home computer, I have a reasonably cheap and cheerful eMachines 210, which is about 30 months old.
Last night, when shutting down, I noticed that it appeared to be closed down, but the machine was clicking and the hard-drive light pulsing on and off, as well as a light on the USB modem. This eventually slowed down and then stopped.
My son was playing on it today, and the computer went dead but with the lights pulsing as before, though it wouldn't stop this time, so my only option was to take the kettle lead out.
Now the computer is completely dead. Won't power up, won't do nothing. Its as if it has no power to it at all, so I am going to start with basic stuff like fuses, both internal and external, but has anyone else got any tips as to how they'd start the fault-find on this ... ?
Last night, when shutting down, I noticed that it appeared to be closed down, but the machine was clicking and the hard-drive light pulsing on and off, as well as a light on the USB modem. This eventually slowed down and then stopped.
My son was playing on it today, and the computer went dead but with the lights pulsing as before, though it wouldn't stop this time, so my only option was to take the kettle lead out.
Now the computer is completely dead. Won't power up, won't do nothing. Its as if it has no power to it at all, so I am going to start with basic stuff like fuses, both internal and external, but has anyone else got any tips as to how they'd start the fault-find on this ... ?