
24 Feb 2007
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United Kingdom
Hello, i've recently read an article on white asbestos and how it is still carcinogenic and should not be disturbed etc. I already knew this, but was looking for past uses of white asbestos. I found that it seems to have been used in a lot of materials found in pre 2000 houses. For example: Soffits, guttering, garage roofs, pipe lagging, boilers, fire barriers, bitumen, certain paper etc.
I was already aware of these uses and am not really likely to come into contact with these as i'm an electrician. What did worry me however was finding out that artex ceilings contain white asbestos. Having been an electrician for three years now i've drilled hundreds of holes in artex celings for downlighters and never worn a mask.

Am i right to be scared of artex ceilings now?

Surely i'm not going to get asbestosis from putting lights in peoples ceilings?

I also worries me when i'm working outside and builders come along and start smashing up asbestos soffits with hammers in front of me letting the dust go everywhere while not wearing masks themselves. They say it's ok but they have to pay for it to be disposed of and if it's ok, then why can't you buy the stuff anymore?

I know white asbestos is nowhere near as dangerous as blue and brown, but i've been doing a lot of reading into this and eery report says that white asbestos is still carcinogenic and therefore a health hazard. Basically, i want to know if i've actually got anything to fear from asbestos soffits or ceilings.

Don't know the technicalities of getting it, but I always think of it that if you're unlucky then breathing in one tiny bit of asbesto could be the the start of it or you could breathe it in for years and not be affected. Do you smoke? If so there is more chance of getting from that I would think.

I liken the chance of getting all these diseases like playing a one arm bandit. First time could make you a winner, or you could spend 2 weeks holiday on them and never win a penny.

Lifes too short to worry. Where a good respirator next time you drill artex :wink:
Nothing to fear regards artex ceilings or soffits. It's the gangs of fascia boards and guttering that hang about on street corners looking for trouble that you should be wary of.
Ok solo, was that whole thing a joke or should i just be wary or fascias and guttering?

You're saying soffits and artex are ok, yeah?

And how much does a respirator cost?
It's worth remembering that it was decades before it was realised how dangerous the blooming stuff was.

Makes you wonder what we're happily using now that might turn out that way !!

On the other hand perhaps it's best not to...... :roll:
mobile phones, microwaves, wifi etc etc..........maybe,maybe not!
Hear hear,

Did you know that the whydrochaonic otihumm rudulsate-rytetrophone yallodium or abbrieviated (WORRY) is ever present in the air we breath.

CHILL. oh and CHILL again.

my nan is 92 and smoked 60 a day for 70 odd years. She is fine, runs 100 metres in less then 10 seconds and can blow up a hot water bottle until it explodes (thats 600psi) BTW.

God what is happening to plumbers nowadays?

LondonRay said:
It's worth remembering that it was decades before **************** how dangerous the blooming stuff was.

fill in with "the bastards told the workers".........that is The Truth :evil: