Best way to hang mirrors in garage IKEA krabb

10 Aug 2010
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United Kingdom
Hi after getting some help on here regarding hanging a Dyson thought I'd give it another shot and see if anyone could help.

I've 5 IKEA krabb mirrors only 2(must have been the newer ones) have brackets on the back so I've hung them no problem.The other 3 however don't have brackets.

I've tried using heavy duty velcro which should hold 7kg doing 3 strips on each mirror but they lasted 2 days and 1's fallen off already.

I've been looking for some heavy duty wall brackets hoping I could just use something to stick them onto the backs of the mirrors


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The surface area they attach too will be far smaller than using adhesive across he entire mirror.
Is the glue stuff easy to get off or will it mark/damage the brickwork ?
Drill holes in the mirrors and use screws with a chrome cap, in to wall plugs?
JDs clips are what you need.....solid ones at the bottom, adjustables on the top.
I used mirror adhesive on some of these darn mirrors - and one of them came down, months later :eek:
This was on large tiles, above a basin. Could have taken the customers arm off. Never again!
John :)
JDs clips are what you need.....solid ones at the bottom, adjustables on the top.
I used mirror adhesive on some of these darn mirrors - and one of them came down, months later :eek:
This was on large tiles, above a basin. Could have taken the customers arm off. Never again!
John :)
I've got some adjustable clips from ikea but i don't want to drill into the brickwork if i don't have to
If you use clips you will need to pad them out Ikea mirrors as they are only a few mm thick.