bifold door

7 Apr 2004
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United Kingdom
Hi there

I have a doorway in my kitchen that leads to the under-the-stairs larder. The opening is 77.5 x 30 inches, 1.5 inches thick. Because of the kitchen worktop, I need a bifold door.

I have found a local manufacturer who can supply a glazed 78x30 door, with track (track included in the measurements), but I need to trim it, which they do not recommend because it is dowel construction.


Its only 1/4 inch off the top and bottom, but they won't cut it for me, I'll have to do it myself (not a real problem).

Is it generally ok to do this? I've never had a problem altering any other doors, dowels or not.
Tom. said:
Is it generally ok to do this? I've never had a problem altering any other doors, dowels or not.
Yes you can, I have done this many time and even taken 3" off each side !!

What you can do, instead of cutting the door depending on your top door runner type you could chop out a channel in the top door frame again depending on the thickness of the door frame so the runner is hidden in the top door frame and that should give you at least 1/2" clearance.
Yeah, the door will fit nicely in the frame without the track, so I'm going to rebate the track into the frame. Will look neater.

Now all I have to worry about is drilling the hole for the bottom 'hinge' into my floor tiles :o