Black adhesive - something else potentially with asbestos in it...?

12 Aug 2018
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United Kingdom
I've got myself very worried over the years at all the possible asbestos containing materials hiding in my house and now I've read about asbestos bitumen underneath tiles. I'm in the process of wondering what to do about some hollow/broken tiles and I've noticed this at the edge of some tiles at the bottom of a cupboard. It could just be some adhesive which has attracted a lot of dirt but I also wondered if it's the remains of some asbestos bitumen (which I presume could be still underneath the remainder of the tiles...)

The old Marley tiles used in the 1960s and 70s (and even into the 80s) used a black bituminous adhesive which often contained small quantities of chrysotile asbestos. TBH the biggest hazard is when people rip tiles out dry (i.e. without damping down with water first and keeping them damp). Left undisturbed and covered over the adhesive and tiles don't normally present a problem
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The old Marley tiles used in the 1960s and 70s (and even intontht 80s) used a black bituminous adhesive which often contained small quantities of chrysotile asbestos. TBH the biggest hazard is when people rip tiles out dry (i.e.without damping down with water). Left undisturbed and covered over the adhesive and tiles don't present a problem
Thanks for this. I think the tiles are newer than this - but I guess there's no way to know if there was a previous set of tiles fixed with bituminous adhesive which I'm going to find.