blank e mail

I suppose thats a bit like a telephone call with knowbody there. :lol:
OMG !! Not the dreaded, invisible coded exploit !! Tell me you did not open it ?????
If you right click on the message and select properties. Click the details tab and then the message source button. This might reveal some details :) (but then it might not :( )
Could it be an improperly formed email, probably spam, which is stripped of data at the ISP server ?
BTW Saw a little article on the 'failure to deliver' notice for emails not actually sent ... could be sent from one's m/c by a robot mailer, which is a problem ... More likely spammer forging email address, especially if this disappears after a while ... Just thought I would pass this on.

Why would a spammer forge header data?: Spammers forge email header data like the From: and Reply-To: lines because they do not want to receive complaints (or complaints to their ISP). Unfortunately email forgery is simple and commonplace. Forgery of email header data makes it nearly impossible for the average email recipient to complain or report spam effectively. If you can't figure out who really sent you the spam, you can't get them shut down.

C more stuff :-

Enjoy.. well, learn something anyway !!