Boiler pressure

27 Nov 2016
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United Kingdom
Hi everyone,

I need some advice on my boiler (Baxi Main Eco Elite)

When the boiler is running the central heating, the boiler pressure gauge slowly drops about 0.5 bar of pressure. When the central heating turns off using the timer, it bounces back up 0.5 bar...Is this normal?

There are no leaks from the TRVs or PRVs.
It's normal for the pressure to change when the circulating pump runs, though this is almost instantaneous. Your comment that it falls slowly and consequently rises slowly when the boiler stops may be an indication that the gauge impulse pipe may be severely blocked, not a problem in itself, rather it indicates that the system is contaminated with sludge and other debris, debris that may cause problems in other areas if left untreated.
What's the best way to clean the boiler of sludge and debris, is this something I can do myself?