Boiler shuts itself after few seconds Biasi Riva Compact he mk2

28 Sep 2010
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United Kingdom
Boiler shuts itself after a minute Biasi Riva Compact he mk2 m96a.28sm/c

I tried resetting the boiler. The boiler starts when I open the hot water tap/CH.

1. fan starts spinning.
2. Boiler fires Up.
3. pressure gauge flickers and then goes up to 3.5 and drops below 1.
4. The boiler locks out
5. water is thrown out of the overflow pipe to the garden.

The trouble shooting LED are all over the place after every reset. I

I saw the following combinations LEDs (1 Green,2 Red,3 Green) starting from left

1. Lit , Lit, Flashing - Flue temperature probe NTC lock out.
2. (1 and 2 alternates) Flash, Lit , OFF - Faulty primary circuit (absence of flow) When this was showing the pump made loud knocks before the shutdown.
3. Lit, Flash, Flash - Safety thermostat lock out.

I have home insurance cover for certain amount and an engineer was called in this morning. He thinks its a faulty pump, but nothing could be done today as it is Sunday today. I have a feeling its not the pump as I can feel the motor spin and I did a bleeding and with the screwdriver I tried spinning the motor and it moves freely.

Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
if you leave your screwdriver on the pump shaft when you turn the boiler on you will know for sure whether the pump is spinning
If the pump does not spin and has power to it then it is a faulty pump. If pump does spin then it is something other. 1 thing at a time.