Bosch dispenser to tub connector (washing machine)

14 Jun 2007
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United Kingdom
The rubber connector between the detergent dispenser to the washing machine tub has perished on my "Varioperfect". Also know as a "Washing Machine Dispenser Fill Hose". It loosens off the dispenser during the spin cycle meaning water leaks during the rinse.
I want to replace it but it looks like I'll have to remove the front of the machine too. All in the machine is about 10 years old I reckon. Am I wasting my time?
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I have a Bosch older than that, just keep it going until it has a really expensive fault. Changing a hose is trivial.

IIRC the front panel has a few screws plus some press-in panel clips.

if you can find the Bosh spare parts page for your model, or a similar one, there should be an exploded parts diagram helping you take it apart.

don't lie it down on its front or upside down, as residual water may get into the electronics. you can lie it on its back after draining using the little hose probably by the pump filter.

clean the dispenser assembly of any scale, soap or dirt while you have it apart.

you can use a stainless Jubilee clip to hold hoses in place. I thought they were silicone rubber and should not perish.