looks like foot prints on the wall behind him
AdamW said:I did see the picture of Ayesha, but didn't know it would be her. From what was said, I assumed it would be someone good looking...
ohmygodwhathaveyoudone said:what about felicity kendall,she's gone abit down hill now but she used to be top totty
AdamW said:Oh how I would have liked to take her for a ride on the rotary cultivator...
That's not her Adam that's Catherine Schell mind you the previous picture showing Ayshea was an awful picture and didn't do her any justice she was a very attractive looking actress/singer/presenter/modelAdamW said:Just as Roger Moore is the real James Bond, Silvester Macoy is the real Dr Who. Must be, cos that's what I grew up with!
Anyone who disagrees must be either older than 27 (cos my bro would agree with me) or younger than 20 (cos my sis would agree with me too!)
I did see the picture of Ayesha, but didn't know it would be her. From what was said, I assumed it would be someone good looking...
That's more like it! Still an element of "slapped a*se" about the face, but not as much
securespark said:My Mum is into Anglo Saxon names and likes one ending in gar, but can't remember the beginning..I'll ask her tomorrow what is was...
securespark said:BTW, the name we have come up with is Rowan, but I'm sure you will all find a reason why that is a bad idea....