Broadband, SKY+, xbox 360 live problems

3 Mar 2006
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United Kingdom
I really need an answer to this problem I have, my main phone line is downstairs, i have sky in living room connected to the phone line, sky upstairs connected to phone line, but i want broadband in upstairs, does an ADSL filter need to be plugged into every phone socket? will it be easier to get a second phone line in?
As far as I am aware Sky will use your phone line to dial a number just like a conventional modem. If you want broadband upstairs it is just a matter of putting a filter upstairs. You will probably be sent 2 filters anyway. Sky being connected should not cause a problem.

Have you got a single phone line installed and then 2nd point upstairs?

The BB filter should be placed at your master BT Socket ideally.

Some peoples experiences here.

Think the general concensus is that it should work as long as you don't have a multitude of extensions and points around the house. "Think I have covered myself there :lol: :lol: "

I would advise going wireless but presume it is for Online gaming for your Xbox! Of which I know nothing about.
My last set up was this way the BT socket my computer in another on an extension the BB filter was on the extension end next to the computer, if i fitted the filter on the main BT socket BB would not work as with putting a filter on both ends.
I have since moved and have phone sockets in every room but only filter on the one i use for BB.
Hope this is of some help
Hi Outsider,

All telecom equipment that is connected to a phone line used for broadband internet access, should be connected to the phone point via a ADSL filter. This includes phones; fax machines, skyboxes, etc.

Failure to do this can result in the broadband connection being dropped when someone uses the above equipment.