Hey guys, I've skimmed patches on a outside wall by my stairs a couple of times. First couple of times there was like a day between first coat then sand, then white wash then top coat pretty much a day between. That was only just over a week ago. I then sanded back the areas a little bit reskimmed Sunday and Wednesday. After Sunday's it looked like just need a sand and reskim in low areas. That was Wednesday. Haven't sanded it yet but this is now bubbling. Any advice you can give me?
The last photo of little 'dots' are 10ft up the stairs and is from a patch I did after noticing the old plaster bubble after the top coat. The others are 3-4 ft up the stairs. Could heating be a issue?
The last photo of little 'dots' are 10ft up the stairs and is from a patch I did after noticing the old plaster bubble after the top coat. The others are 3-4 ft up the stairs. Could heating be a issue?