Calling all painters & plasteres, can you help?

10 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
We want to add paint pigment to plaster to achieve immediate colour, could you please tell us -

1. Where we can obtain paint pigment? We contacted ICI Dulux who told us to contact are local paint stores who in turn told us to contact the supplier, but still no pigment ....

2. What ratio paint pigment to plaster do we use?

Hoping someone can help!
I am not a painter or a plasterer, but what about lime plaster? and lime pigments? These are compatible, and it may be realistic to mix the two. I'd be surprised if you can get pigment to go with plaster successfully, as all newbuild houses would have it, to save on a second operation.

Here is a start.

Also read this esp the uneven colour note.
I would suggest you speak to plaster manufacturers British Gypsum on 08705 456123.

Adding anything to plasters could be a problem, so don't do it unless the maker has said it is ok to.
Thankyou Oilman.

Saw the procedure on one of those DIY shows, the uneven colour finish looked very rustic, just what we're looking for.

Will check out the site.
I would follow up Gwailo's suggestion as well. The DIY programs have some questionable processes IMHO. I feel it would be better if you want a rustic effect is to skim with lime plaster, and then use limewash. Look up Building Limes Forum for lots of useful information. If you haven't been on a lime course, you would be pleasantly surprised.
breezer said:
isn't lime green? :lol:
The raw material for all lime-based products is a natural stone: limestone, which is composed almost exclusively of calcium carbonate.
» Chemical formula: CaCO3. You are getting confused with the shade of green which is similar to a lime fruit. Bit like **** brown being a shade of brown, but I am not sure of the chemical formula for that!!. See also snot green, blood red, **** yellow, hyperthermia blue etc. :lol: :lol: :lol: