I live in a 3 story house built in 1996. We have a large open plan kitchen on the middle floor which includes a peninsula. The joists are strong and numerous and covered with chipboard fllorboards (I should have replaced them at time of the refurb 5 years ago, but didn't). On top of the chipboard is in an attractive thick solid wood slotted floor board and the kitchen units are mounted on this. About 2.5 years ago the fridge leaked (several times - boring story). The top layer of solid boards warped a little in front of the fridge - and also several meters away along the edge of the peninsula. The leak was stopped and the warp corrected itself - thankfully. That happened 3 times (yeah, yeah!) and then I replaced the fridge. No more leaking. My problem is this. At the time of the leaks, I also noticed a slight sogginess to my footing in the areas most effected. I figured the chipboard beneath had lost some of its integrity. Now - 2.5 years later, I get the sense that the loss of integrety has spread somewhat. My question is whether that is possible. What is/was actually going on in that chipboard? There is no easy way to lift the boards to inspect. There is also no sign if dryrot.