My PC was full of building dust so I dismantled it and blew the parts clean with an airline. I thought everything on the motherboard was labelled and it mostly is but the single socket for the 4 plugs to HDD led, Power Led, Power button and reset button is confusing. It is right at the bottom of the case so difficult to photograph but you can see there are 9 pins and the socket is labelled PANEL 1. The power led is a 3 way line socket but only has 2 wires. This line socket is printed "POWER LED" on one side and there is a green "R" label the other side. This would suggest it should be top right of the socket with the missing wire corresponding to the missing pin. The printing on the motherboard would suggest: power led=top left, HDD led=bottom left, power button=top right and reset button =bottom right. I bought the PC secondhand so I do not know the make of motherboard. Any suggestions about what goes where?