Convert 2 Flats into 1 House

30 Dec 2019
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United Kingdom
Hi all,

We currently live in a ground floor semi-detached flat with a flat also above us. Each flat has its own external doors to enter the properties along with a separate front and back garden.

We are looking at purchasing the upstairs flat and merging the two flats into one but we are fairly new to this and have a few questions.

- Is planning permission required for this?

- Is there any other permission we could potentially have to apply for? (Building is not listed so this wouldn’t need to be considered)

- Has anybody here done such a project and if so could you share any lessons learnt?

Thanks in advance.
If it's leasehold you would need to check with the freeholder if you can do this I guess
Historically, the re-amalgamation of houses subdivided into flats wasn't considered a material change of use, so 'development' (permitted or otherwise) didn't come into it. Recent case law has indicated that it can now be considered 'material', subject to the local availability of (and demand for) certain housing types. So the safest thing is to check with your local authority.