copy programs from one sky box to another

  • Thread starter Thread starter EddieM
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Yes, but the hard drives have to come out of each box so it requires a bunch of PC hardware, and a programme to read the file formats correctly so that they transfer properly. I have the bits and software to do this.

There are a couple of caveats: First, any programmes from subscription channels still need an active subscription on the new box in order to view them. Second, this only works for Sky+ and Sky+HD boxes. AFAIK, it's not possible to transfer from say Sky+HD to Sky Q.

I advise my customers not to waste their time or money going down this route for recordings of stuff that can be downloaded from other sources.

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Thanks, the subscription bit is fine, I'm not trying to pull any fast ones, just copy over series linked recordings to a new Sky Q box. You say however this can only be done on sky+ & skyHD+ but then go on to say can't be done on SkyHD+ ?
Have another read. What I wrote was "it's not possible to transfer from say Sky+HD to Sky Q."

In your case then, with an existing Sky+HD box and you moving over to Sky Q, then I am afraid you're out of luck. It's a no-go. Sky Q uses a different encoding to Sky+/Sky+HD. The file formats are not the same and, as yet, there's nothing I have heard of that can transcode them from one hard drive directly to another.

If you want to keep some series that you recorded on Sky+HD then your only practical solution is to dump them to a DVD recorder. That, or don't move to Sky Q.

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Yes when we moved from Sky + HD to Sky Q we lost all of the recorded programs. And it depends on make of TV, DVD etc. as to if you can cross record in real time, we have some boxes and TV's that will and some will not.

However on the plus side, there are that many programs which you can down load onto the Sky Q box, it is not really a problem.