copying programmes

26 Sep 2004
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United Kingdom
i have a copied programme on my pc and i want to put it onto a disc as a back up. How do i burn it onto a disc i have tried, but the amount of megabites is half of the initial programme, even though it looks ok, i dont know whether i have the full programme
Can you provide a few more details, such as Operating system, software you are using to copy and the media you are trying to copy to?


But when i look at disc there is only 4mb instaed of 8mb what is in the programme on the pc but it looks the same, but i dont know if it is opening up my photoshop when i put the copied disc in to check it
Not sure if I fully understand and i've not used the Pinacle s/w. Are you just copying the installer or the installed files. Like Eddie says, have you not got the original installer file on a disk, or did you download it, in which case you should have some kind of zipped installer.
All i can tell you is there is a download manager and with pinnacle you just drag a file to pinnacle and release and it burns what you drag over
Howsabout this for an original answer:

You could always try BUYING the program :roll:

If you have a pirated version, it is quite likely that any anti-copy measures have already been circumvented, so doing a disc-disc duplication should work. I have never used Pinnacle either, but it sounds like you are using it in the wrong mode. Most CD-writing programmes have several modes:

1) Drag and drop files (which is what yours appears to be set in
2) Do a "bit copy" of the CD, i.e. make a clone of it.

You need to use the second option. Try searching your help files for "back up" or "duplicate".

Or again, you could try buying the software.
AdamW said:
Howsabout this for an original answer:

You could always try BUYING the program :roll:

If you have a pirated version, it is quite likely that any anti-copy measures have already been circumvented, so doing a disc-disc duplication should work. I have never used Pinnacle either, but it sounds like you are using it in the wrong mode. Most CD-writing programmes have several modes:

1) Drag and drop files (which is what yours appears to be set in
2) Do a "bit copy" of the CD, i.e. make a clone of it.

You need to use the second option. Try searching your help files for "back up" or "duplicate".

Or again, you could try buying the software.

"Bit Copy", that's the same as RAW mode N'est pas?
Sounds like maybe not copying the 'set-up' program but perhaps the exe file associated with PHOTOSHOP 6 ?

Was the prog installed on the machine directly from a cd / dvd ? If so, do you have that disc ?
If yes then copy that ...
If no :-
Did you copy the contents of the installation disc to your hard-drive before or after installation ?
If after, then copy those installation files, and hope that you will be able to use them to reinstall.
If before, did you install using the files on your HD ? If so, then again copy those files to your removeable disc .. you then know that a reinstall is simply a carbon copy of what you did in the first place.

If you installed direct from CD/DVD and did not retain or copy contents of original disc ... It is a complex matter to copy a working program to a disc ... plus registry entries and ancillary files ... and then reinsert it to the HD .. Norton Cleansweep, BackUp Wizard, can tho'.
Do not know Pinnacle ... Clone CD and Adaptec directCD 4 me.

AdamW said:
Howsabout this for an original answer:

You could always try BUYING the program :roll:

<ERROR> - Does not compute... <ERROR> - Does not compute... :twisted:
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Q. If I had one green ball in one hand, and another green ball in another hand, what would I have?

A. The undivided attention of the jolly green giant. :wink: