Cost of relocating radiators

31 Jan 2023
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United Kingdom
Hi folks,

I'm weighing up the cost of relocating 5 radiators in a 3 bed semi-detached house. Presently, for each room, the radiators are on walls that are either adjacent or opposite to the window. The house does have double-glazing, but even so, conventional placement would have these radiators underneath windows. Currently, there are sofas and other bits of furniture sitting up against the radiators, which isn't ideal. Does anyone have any idea how much it would cost to relocate the radiators please?


im sure this would massively depend on how you wish it to be done - are current pipes below the floor? if so do you want carpets and flooring ripped up etc and pipes rerouted, or just run pipes across walls etc, how far are radiators being moved, which way do the joists run, or is it a concrete floor etc? lots of variables think you need a proper quote
As above, lots of variables. Solid or timber floors? Pipes coming up from the ground floor or down from the 1st floor. How much work are you prepared to put in? (EG if it's timber floors, pipes coming up and you don't want surface pipework you would ideally move all furniture out of the way, lift any laminate or carpet floor, lift a board or 2 between where rad is now and where it's going, find the pipes going to current rad, lift boards so they can be accessed etc etc.)
The cheapest job if you can't undertake or don't want that level of disruption will be surface 12mm or 15mm pipes rum round at skirting level.
And price depends on where you are. Absolute minimum would be £500
Hmm... Yes, I see, there's much to consider. Thanks, kp00110 and oldbutnotdead.