curved border tiles

25 May 2007
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United Kingdom
I am just about to tile my bathroom, with plain white 15cm ceramic tiles, and a thin black border tile which has a curved surface. Can anyone tell me if I will need to buy a tile saw (i.e circular saw type) to cut the border tiles? I am assuming that as they are curved that I will need to cut mitre joins where they meet in the corners. Is there anyway I can cut these tiles ti size without buying an electri ctile saw?
I assume the borders are normal ceramic and if that's the case, they can be scored and snapped on a normal dry rail cutter. If they are not much thicker than the tiles, rather than mitre cutting them, you can usually just butt them upto the tile trim on the external angles without much if any of the border raising above the level of the trim. This will be much easier than mitre cutting.
I always prefer to mitre dado tiles, if you don't want the cost of a wet cutter then you can buy cardite grit blades that fit into a hacksaw frame that will do the job with a bit of effort.

Remember the border will need its joints staggering so you don't get a little bit of tile at the corner.
