DIY Pyronix Enforcer Install

1 Dec 2019
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United Kingdom
I am looking to hook up my new alarm in a temporary position until its final location is ready.

Is it ok to connect to the mains via a flex and a 3 pin plug? If so is 1.5 or 2.5 flex recommended and i assume a 3amp fuse?

The reason for this is to allow me to move it round a bit on the flex whilst doing various bits nearby.
Perfect. Thanks.

Can 2 wired bells be powered directly from the main panel or is an extender required?
Max current for bell box is 0.7Amp
May need extra psu for 2 wired bell boxes.
Will be fine with 1 wireless bell box and 1 wired bell box
I have an expander module but i am confused at the wiring diagram included with the kit as the module doesn't have all of the outputs that the main panel has for the bell? I had expected it to be a link from the panel to the expander input with the same outputs from the expander to the 2 bells
Zem output
Zem + has outputs
Zem psu has outputs ( this is what you need depending on what load you are putting on this system )
What’s your plans for this system
I will dig the extender out the box tomorrow and confirm model. I am hoping i have been given the correct one.

The system will have;

2-3 Door contacts (Wired)
2 Remote keypads (Wired)
2 External bells (Wired)
10-12 PIR pet sensors (Wireless)
2-4 Panic alarms (Wireless)
I echo sparkymarka, what pet do you have? Is it locked in a certain room when you leave the house or does it have free roam?
We remove all ‘PET’ plastic shields from the sensors where ever possible
We have a small dog who roams freely throughout the house. Is there any way round this. What is the issue with the pet sensors?
The extender is a Euro-Zem8 which it looks like has been included to allow the 2 keypads to be connected. Would that sound correct?

I may just hardwire the bell that is very hard to get to then use the wireless function for the bell that is just awkward to get to. Or do you think the extender would be a better way to go and just hardwire both?
Define small dog... my small dog sets off the pet sensors despite being ‘under weight’
Its a pug. What is the issue with the pet sensors? I installed a visonic system in the old house and the pet sensors were fine.

I want PIRs in all rooms that have openings (windows or doors) in them. Call me OTT but I would rather belt and braces.