First time installing elite 64-w. Actually have no wireless devices just four wired PIRs and one door contact.
The 64-w is an EOL panel, the four texe PIRs were simple enough to connect as EOL using the jumpers to set 2.2k and 4.7k resistance.
The four PIRs are using up all the zones on the panel however it was easier to get the cable for the door contact over to the keypad so I have wired it into the back of a standard Premiere LCD keypad which itself is wired back to the panel. Bonus as it gave me the fifth zone needed to complete the setup.
I was hoping, as the two extra zones on the back of the keypad has four terminals per zone, two terminals for alarm and two for tamper, that I could just wire in the door contact without using resistors and normally closed configuration. But when I run the diagnostics on Wintex I can see the zone but it's not behaving properly. It won't show the zone as active when I open the door and it is reporting an Alarm state constantly.
Does anyone know if I can avoid using resistors for the door contact in this setup or do I fundamentally need to use EOL zones everywhere, even if I am wiring into the back of the keypad?
If I do need resistors, any recommendations on where to get just a couple at short notice?
First time installing elite 64-w. Actually have no wireless devices just four wired PIRs and one door contact.
The 64-w is an EOL panel, the four texe PIRs were simple enough to connect as EOL using the jumpers to set 2.2k and 4.7k resistance.
The four PIRs are using up all the zones on the panel however it was easier to get the cable for the door contact over to the keypad so I have wired it into the back of a standard Premiere LCD keypad which itself is wired back to the panel. Bonus as it gave me the fifth zone needed to complete the setup.
I was hoping, as the two extra zones on the back of the keypad has four terminals per zone, two terminals for alarm and two for tamper, that I could just wire in the door contact without using resistors and normally closed configuration. But when I run the diagnostics on Wintex I can see the zone but it's not behaving properly. It won't show the zone as active when I open the door and it is reporting an Alarm state constantly.
Does anyone know if I can avoid using resistors for the door contact in this setup or do I fundamentally need to use EOL zones everywhere, even if I am wiring into the back of the keypad?
If I do need resistors, any recommendations on where to get just a couple at short notice?