I am an owner (leaseholder) of a flat in an ex-council block in London. I have a metal shed in the garden which would be within the permitted development limitations (size, height, position, temporary bolt-together construction) if those applied to flats, but they don't.
The shed has been there for 2 years and used for storage. I'm now looking to extend it slightly and install some sliding glass doors and will use it more regularly as a workshop/art studio.
I'm wondering if the 4 year or 10 year rules will apply to my property/shed once it has been up for 4/10 years? It's been there for 2 years already and no one has raised any issue with it. Do the 4 and 10 year rules even apply to flats?
My neighbour on one side successfully applied for planning permission for and built a conservatory a few years ago; the neighbour on the other side also has a shed with no planning consent. I'm reluctant to apply for planning permission in case it alerts my freeholder (the council) to the situation and results in them telling me to remove the shed.
The shed has been there for 2 years and used for storage. I'm now looking to extend it slightly and install some sliding glass doors and will use it more regularly as a workshop/art studio.
I'm wondering if the 4 year or 10 year rules will apply to my property/shed once it has been up for 4/10 years? It's been there for 2 years already and no one has raised any issue with it. Do the 4 and 10 year rules even apply to flats?
My neighbour on one side successfully applied for planning permission for and built a conservatory a few years ago; the neighbour on the other side also has a shed with no planning consent. I'm reluctant to apply for planning permission in case it alerts my freeholder (the council) to the situation and results in them telling me to remove the shed.