I have an Extract Utility, it woul be used to extract .PES Embroidery files. It is called PK Ware, Version 2.04 1993. It is installed in dos under c:\designs\mascots. The files I want to extract are on CD
I guess, looking again at your post, you do not know how to use PKZIP / PKUNZIP .... Have a look here :- http://www.biostat.wisc.edu/bcg/sup/mssup/pkunzip.html
Someone has very sensibly explained the use as opposed to what it is.
A neat little explanation how to do the job ... also allows download of PKUNZIP this little dos prog 'extracts' files from a compressed, PKZIP file.
I am sure Winzip (windows based) will handle files created with PKZIP, may be easier than the command line usage demanded by the dos PKWare progs.