Hello there, I’m wanting to add a spur to a socket that’s on a ring circuit, the socket I’m spurring off is in the skirting board and in the alcove on the right of the chimney breast. It’s on a 32a RCD.
I’m after some help and ideas in the best plan of attack to route the wire as I can’t come up through the floor as there is concrete with a layer of brick on the floor of the fireplace. Or is there a good way round this?
I can chase walls in the alcove as everywhere is getting plastered but only the chimney breast is getting boarded, also where the fire WAS is gonna be boarded up so can run wires behind there then cover with capping when on brickwork in cente of wall. Please ignore the red arrow Thanks in advance!
I’m after some help and ideas in the best plan of attack to route the wire as I can’t come up through the floor as there is concrete with a layer of brick on the floor of the fireplace. Or is there a good way round this?
I can chase walls in the alcove as everywhere is getting plastered but only the chimney breast is getting boarded, also where the fire WAS is gonna be boarded up so can run wires behind there then cover with capping when on brickwork in cente of wall. Please ignore the red arrow Thanks in advance!