Down pipe

30 Aug 2022
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United Kingdom
Hi could I get some advice pls… I have a shared down pipe on my property… came home today Neghbour has took have away from guttering added there own and got it going on to there exstension roof… and left me with half a pipe can they do this ?
I wouldn’t have thought so. Pictures tell 1000 words as they say, do you have any we can view?
Do you get on with your neighbour? If so then ask him why he has done it.
If the downspout from the roof now takes all the water on to his property then simply remove the lower section in your garden and leave him the responsibility of maintaining it.
He can not leave you with damaged guttering or a system which will allow water to cascade down your wall, damaging your property.
So, it appears as @conny has described, your neighbour has just diverted the downspout, which still takes your rain water, so likely just remove the lower half. Just make sure that it doesn’t cascade down your side when it rains.
Counting the bricks between the windows, (7), it seems the downspout was originally on your side of the 'boundary' line, as the lower section is within the 3 1/2 brick centre. Maybe, because he has renewed his guttering, he wanted to make sure there would be no leaks to his new installation.
I'd just remove the bottom section you are left with and be happy with it.
Ok tgank you.. that’s the new exstension and there’s been problems as ppl who have came to my house have said it’s well over my boundaries the pipe the way it is now.. has to take my other side Neghbour rain and mine and there own so I’m exspecting it to over flow… yes it is on my property tgank you for your help
How does the water flow into the drains how it is now?
It flows onto the roof yes? so where does the water from that roofs gutter go?