Drill for making 24mm auger holes

are the oak sleepers fully seasoned or are they still a liitle green.? if so just plane a couple of edges off the 25 mm dowels (so as the cross sectional area is similar to a 24 mm dowel) They would probably hammer home OK (lube them up a bit first) I know oak can be hard when fully seasoned (and like rock when 100+ year old) but if it has only been felled in the last fey years it will till have a bit of give. also a non round peg in a round hole will get a better grip.
need to experiment first though!
Good suggestions as usual, thanks. To be honest I fancied dowel just that it would feel (in my head) nicer to use rather than cutting plugs to hide the top of a rammed steel rod. Plus it’s something I’ve not used before so would be a bit of fun.

The reason I have 24mm is because it came with the 600mm auger pack from toolstation which I bought mainly for the 12mm, used with the m12 rods earlier in the job.

I don’t mind buying another bit, really…
Where did you get that idea?
I admit I missed the first post mentioning the studding, or forgot in the interval but I ask again, slightly reworded,
Why not use rod v dowels?
Do you need dowels for a particular reason? Or are you wedded to dowels because that was an idea?

you can also drill a pilot hole from one sleeper to another, and open up the top hole a tad, then use a nut driver to send a screw through two sleepers. Then add a third layer. No need to go through loads of layers with a single dowel/pin.