Dripping water.............

Am I a sad git? Before you all shout "YES!", hear me out.

The other day, I was reaching into the meter cupboard at a customers place, and I caught onto the rhythmic hum/clickrattle of the sangamo timeclock and before you could cry "Ravey Davey", I was clicking my digits appreciatin' the funky beat, man!
Amazing how one Viz reader can spot another so easily! :D

There is a rather good Flash animation of a tune where you wouldn't expect it, I will link to it when I get home (can't here, firewall is set up to block anything fun... except DIYnot of course :wink: )

Must say I have never tapped along to a clock, I find the rythm somewhat predictable... almost like clockwork... But I do find rhythm in unexpected places, riding on a train for instance. Or driving on a road where they have resurfaced it in sections so as you drive from one to another you get a beat.
The beat wasn't that predictable. More to it than just ticking, there were clicks and whirrs in there too.

Find an old electro-mechanical time clock and you'll see what I mean!