
30 Dec 2005
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United Kingdom
I am trying to repair and e-machine when it starts to boot the video cuts and music starts playing. it does this even after a clean install of Windows XP. How can I get the e-machine to boot properly.

e-machine is running Windows XP Home Edition
processor is an AMD
Memory 512 MB
Hard Drive - 150GB

How can I get this PC to work?
What video, and what music?

Have you booted into Safe mode? Does it behave the same?
It is an onboard video from e-machines, and some kind of mood music starts playing after the XP splash screen and my monitor get a non-signal when this happens, when I boot into safe mode it boots ok and everything works , but when you boot into normal mode thats when I have the problem. When I put in another video card, it goes through normal boot. but then there is no taskbar and when I go into control panel the taskbar icon do not work.

Thank you
Hm, so far it sounds like a software incompatibility caused by the video card drivers (or some software that came with it).

Am I right in thinking that you recently changed video cards?

If so, did you uninstall the drivers for the previous card before shutting down and installing the new one?

Are there any specific intructions that came with the video card? If so, did you follow them?

Have you made any other changes recently?
Thanks Softus,

I found the problem, it was in the operating system, I backed up all the data and reinstalled Windows XP and everything came back, when I did a restore from the CD it would stop and not restore. When I booted into safe mode I did remove all video drivers and the problem still persisted. after the reinstall everything worked find.

Thanks again for all your help
You're welcome; I'm glad to hear that it's working once again :)