Emptying attic water tank from the bottom for cleaning?

6 Sep 2012
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United Kingdom
I have an attic water tank connected to a 60m well, and wondering if this might work as a system of cleaning the typical build up of.mud at the bottom of the tank:

1. Insert a horizontal copper pipe laying on the floor of the tank, with several holes at the bottom of the pipe, so that the dirtiest water can be cleared out. (The pipe entering tank at the top and horizontally laying on the floor, so an L shape.
2. This horizontal pipe would be connected to a long vertical pipe, as far as ground level (a distance of around 7 metres) Inside the tank, the pipe would be copper, and still copper for about 1 meter outside tank also - the rest would be pvc as a downpipe.

3 At the bottom of the vertical pipe, install a one way valve and a tap (to prevent any possibility of insects, etc entering the tank), which can be connected to a simple suction pump whenever I want to draw water from the tank. At the same time, with the possibility of adding water to the tank from the well pump, so that the water emptying can be continuous, until I see very clean water coming out of the pipe. Of course, the flow of water would not stop until I empty all the water from the tank.

My doubt is would a very simple 50 or 60 euro water suction pump be sufficient? Thanks.
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