As it's mechanical removal, you may find this useful
It is available from various mail order tool suppliers such as ********* power tools, devon.
It is a vibrating tool and is one of the best purchases I have made. It is possible to remove the grout in relative safety compared to a rotating disc cutter, and diamond impregnated blades are available, though they may not be the best for the job.
Use dust extraction as epoxy resins are not healthy.
Masona, it's a diy version of the tools used for removing plaster casts from limbs.
(Admin, what about another forum "Surgery"? )
It oscillates and has various sawing, sanding, and grinding cutters and a scraper. Good for replacing glazing, and for cutting access holes in floors directly above the centres of joists.
I wouldn't say it's really advertising, just advising other folks of companies we've had good dealings with. The 1st time Screwfix bu**er up an order of mine I'll be telling you all !!!!