Example plans for application for warrant for bathroom

10 Nov 2019
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United Kingdom
Hi all,
Has anyone here successfully applied for a building warrant for converting a room upstairs into a bathroom? Would you be willing to share the plans you submitted? I'd like to avoid paying an architect/designer if possible but in order to make sure I'm not biting off more than I can chew I'd be interested to see the level of detail that's required for a successful application. It'll also help me understand If I've missed any details in my own plans!

Probably like others on here I have obtained bldg. regs approvals for many things but it isn't right to give plans prepared for one job for use on another project. You need plans preparing for your specific scheme. You can probably search the internet and find typical building construction plans if you think you can adapt them to suit your situation but I wouldn't recommend it. Converting a room to a bathroom isn't a big building project if the drainage is convenient but you still need to know etc etc etc
Thanks for the reply. Sure, I wouldn't submit someone else's plans! But it would be useful to see what level of detail and what information they require in the plans to see if I can draft them myself (I have some technical drawing training) or whether it's worth spending the cash on an architectural technician or similar to draft some. Bill of materials is already drafted, as is the layout, but for the warrant they may require some details I haven't planned for.

Drainage is simple but I'll be getting a plumber in to do it anyway since that's also a requirement of the regs. The soil stack is right outside on the main wall of that room, and there's a WC already hooked up to it. My plan is to remove the stud wall that divides the current WC from the small office room next to it and make a larger bathroom. I need a warrant since I'll be adding a shower and bath, but the few hundred quid that would be spend on drafting plans would be better spent elsewhere if I can...
but the few hundred quid that would be spend on drafting plans would be better spent elsewhere if I can...
- famous last words :D look on here at the various posts where cock ups could have been avoided if proper architectural plans had been prepared in the first place :!: I presume you are talking about building regulations approval. Do you intend submitting a Full Plans Submission :?:
or whether it's worth spending the cash on an architectural technician or similar to draft some.
I would say that :)
ps ok, wait for somebody to say it isn't worth having plans done for a bathroom .
- famous last words :D look on here at the various posts where cock ups could have been avoided if proper architectural plans had been prepared in the first place :!: I presume you are talking about building regulations approval. Do you intend submitting a Full Plans Submission :?:

That's kind of what I'd like to get a feel for. The process is described here https://www.pkc.gov.uk/article/15198/Making-a-building-warrant-application and states:

"Plans must be clearly legible, to a metric scale, and include a full technical specification of the proposals, including the following:-

  • A site location plan, (i) for new build, extension or demolition to a scale of 1:1250 for built-up areas and 1:2500 for rural areas.
(ii) for internal alterations this is only required for rural areas where building is remote - scale 1:2500.

  • A block plan, for new build, extensions or demolition to a scale of 1:500, this should include ground and floor levels.
  • Foundation plan, floor plan(s) and a roof plan to a scale of 1:50
  • Cross sections and elevations of each face of the building (where affected)
  • Technical specification include details of all materials, drainage (including invert levels at manholes), ventilation, sanitary fittings, chimneys and flues, dpc`s, flashings, thermal & noise insulation, electrical installation, accessibility, etc to show compliance with the Technical Standards."

So I was hoping to see some examples of what others had submitted in the past for a bathroom, to get an idea of the level of detail they're expecting.

ps ok, wait for somebody to say it isn't worth having plans done for a bathroom .

Sadly based on the above, it's not me that needs convinced it's the Perth and Kinross Council :P

Thanks for taking time to reply!
