Extractor fan insect mesh insert ?

Rather than being offensive - I do think you need to be looking at other potential reasons for that, than the lack of an insect mesh on your fan. I have a couple of such fans, with no similar issues of insects finding their way through them.
Don’t put the onus on me.

If someone can’t provide an answer or a solution, then why even respond.

The responder asked a silly question;
if they truly believed it was a rhetorical question, then it didn't need a reply

They quoted that particular passage of my post, taking it out of it context as a means to ridicule, which there was no reason whatsoever to do, other than to ridicule.
Before new fans fitted, no insects on kitchen worktop below fan.

Since fans fitted, insects on kitchen worktop below fan.

Maybe only 2 or 3, every so often but I much prefer none, so, the easiest solution is to fit a mesh similar to what was fitted to the old fan.