faulty wiring, or bt's fault?

27 Jul 2007
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United Kingdom
I've had my house rewired, and I am having problems with the telephone socket, apparently after BT have reactivated it.

I'm not sure if it is BT or the electricians fault. I can't get hold of either at moment suprisingly!

Inside the master socket, there are 2 seperate cables, with White/Blue from each cable going in to A and Blue/White from each cable going in to B.

My understanding was that this is correct for the BT line, but the extention for the other socket should go through the 1-6 terminals? However, regardless of that fact, the master socket should still work if the BT line is wired correctly?

what kind of problems? is it plain not working or is there more to it than that?
why was it deactivated in the first place?
can you identify which cable is the incoming one from BT and which is the one going to your extentions.
OK, have some more information...

This was regarding Sky coming to install this morning actually.

He said there was a dialtone, but he couldnt ring out...

How could I identify between the bt and the extension lead?

If there is a dialtone but you can't dial out then it is almost certainly BTs problem.
I take it you have a NTE5 mastersocket, the one with the removable portion on the bottom? If you remove this (which disconnects all your phone installation wiring) there is a socket inside. If you plug a phone in does this work? If you can plug your sky box direcly into here does this work?
The master socket BT line comes in on one cable only remove the other and see if you can dial out.
If you can get dial tone but cannot dial out this will either be a telphone fault or a exchange fault,presuming your instrument is ok the problem could be with the line being reactivated it could be a exchange problem try another phone