fence hieght/planning permission ?

Phone your local planning dept. I suspect they don't allow them that high facing the road :cry:
Planning permission rules differ from region to region but in my area there are only limits on anything over 2 metres unless it is near a road and will obscure a previously clear view and seeing as you are in a cuddly sac then I cannot see that becoming relevant. It may be best to contact your local office for clarification.
You will need planning permission if....

Your House is a listed building.

If the fence or wall, is next to a highway used for vehicles (a footpath is part of the highway) - over 1m height requires permission.

Where it is not next to a highway, any fence or wall over 2m will require permission.

Hedges or trees - to whatever height - do not require planning permission! (Even if they are next to a highway.)

You will need to check that there were or are no restrictions on your property though: such as those that apply to 'open plan' estates.