Filler/sanding; where am i going wrong

11 Dec 2020
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United Kingdom

I had some holes in my wall. I filled them and sanded, painted but the finish is really poor.

How can I make this better ?

The filler needs to be sanded perfectly flat, (or as near as possible), or it will always stick out like a sore thumb.
You need a power sander, such as an orbital one to take the bulk off, followed by a 1/3 sheet type to give a flat finish. Check for flatness with a long straight edge, such as a steel rule or batten of wood.
Ensure ALL dust etc is removed, by brushing or vacuuming, before re-painting in your chosen colour.
Your link or photo isn't working, what filler are you using? A damp cloth removes dust that other methods cannot.
A damp cloth over the filler also reveals what the finish will look like as it will highlight any lines or ridges .
Thanks for the comments - I have inserted another copy of the image hopefully its now visible.

Make sure the filler's thoroughly dry, too.
Finish with fine paper - 240 or so should be more than enough. Give it a rub against itself, first, to "flatten" it - it takes the random highest grains off. If you used interior filler it's likely to be slightly water soluble, so it may swell with water based paint, then settle down ok.
Exterior grade's too b hard though.